31 March 2009
Doug Simpson - Big City feat. Slim
What it is? Here's a new track from our Ironhorse fam Dougsimpon with guest vocals from a familiar friend from his upcoming EP Sketches. The song's been featured on the Owen Smith's Anonymous DVD and MTV's Real World Brooklyn. That's a super good look if you don't know, ya dig.
Download - Big City
28 March 2009
Euphon Live @ The Sapphire Lounge
24 March 2009
Nuyorican Poets Cafe wrap up
15 March 2009
Euphon Live @ Nuyorican Poets Cafe
11 March 2009
Is it the end of retail outlets in NY
Things are looking pretty bleak for music these days. If you aren’t aware Virgin is closes it’s megastores here in New York starting with the store at Times Square.
Just today I saw signs for 50% off, whereas two days ago those signs were 25% off. Understanding enough with the state of the economy, but there’s something else that people mainly in New York City may not be paying attention to. With Virgin closing their stores within the city by the summer, that will only leave J&R Music World and Best Buy as the only two major retailers to buy music from. Kind of scary being that Best Buy’s collection of music is very very thin. Personally I think J&R has a better selection, but then again that’s just my opinion.
Does that mean that it’s a prime time for Walmart to make it’s move into the city. Granted from the Walmarts I’ve been to outside of the city the music selection ain’t that great either, but at least we’d have more options.
A bit odd that in a major city of shopping, you may not be able to get music any longer. Hmm……
More after the jump: Virgin Megastore closings